Mary Attalla

Health Professional profile picture


​Tell us about your occupation.

I'm an ecclesiastical and eclectic Naturopath.

Why did you choose to go into your particular field of medicine/healthcare?

I became very ill.

Where were you born?

New York

Where have you been?

Many places.

Medical style you grew up with?

Alternative Medicine.

Your views on health in your own home?

It's best when everyone is on the same page.

What is the most difficult aspect of your work for you to accept?

When people don't make their healing a priority.

What are you most proud of/grateful for about your work?

Changing people's lives for the better.

What is your go-to home-remedy for a cold?


What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Only help those who want to be helped.

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Health Professional profile picture

Mary Attalla

Healer/ Naturopath

Attalla Wellness

Lancaster CA
Joined 4 years ago

Accepting New Patients

Insurance Accepted


“If your presence doesn't work, neither will your word.”
— Yogi Bhajan


Attalla Wellness

205 Avenida del Mar Lancaster CA US 93535
Mary’s Top 3 Topics of interest

stem cells

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