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Signing Up with Kinnected

The Global Health Directory is set to become the most inclusive and trusted cross-cultural directory for health professionals, worldwide, offering global visibility, a stable landing spot, and a cultural meeting ground. We celebrate health professionals as humans as well as highlighting their qualifications, specialties and approach. Profiles will be visible via search engines to both non-members and members of Kinnected. LEARN MORE

No. We provide a level playing field for all health professionals whose study, research, and practice places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide. Please look at our current position and setting list for more information.

Solo Practice
Group Practice
Community-Based Health Worker
Skilled Nursing or Long-Term Care
Hospice or Palliative Care
Community Hospital
Academic Medical Center/University Hospital
New Graduate (not yet with a practice)
Health Care Administrator
Non-profit/Charity/Community Organization
On Sabbatical, Leave, Furloughed

Yes, unless you are a healthcare administrator, retired/emeritus, or a nonprofit. Please note that we welcome Health Professionals from all over the world, and recognize that certification/licensure varies by location. Please be prepared to upload whatever documentation you can.

Photos should be well-lit and in focus. JPG files are preferred. Please make sure all images are license-free, or that you own the copyright.

Your writing should be personal and clear. The more you share about yourself the more people will understand your unique perspective and your role in the world of health. Please edit carefully before submitting.

We're dedicated to celebrating practitioners as humans, and this takes investment.

Your Health Professional Profile

Encouraging your patients or community to join Kinnected spurs them to take charge of their own health, increase their engagement and share solutions with other members, worldwide, and work with their friends and families to co-manage care coordination.

Your profile is designed to be a universal landing spot that will stay current and locatable by clients old and new, throughout career and life changes. You can edit your profile, including location, any time.

Sign in to your Kinnected account and go to your Health Professional Profile under the Login menu. You can access your profile and edit from there. You can also access your Health Professional Profile from your Dashboard.

Interacting with Members and Other Health Professionals

When members search on any word, phrase or condition, they will see any Kinnected health professional who lists it in any part of their profile.

Your profile will appear on the search page, and the Global Health Directory page. If you interact as a member, that member will also be able to view your professional profile.

Professional profiles are public and are visible via search engines to both non-members and members of Kinnected. If you choose to make your personal member profile visible, it will only appear to other members of Kinnected.

You can choose to complete a member profile, or not. You can also choose to keep it private. This feature is available to you, but it’s not required that you use the member tools or share your member profile with other Kinnected members. However, we want it to be available to you at any time, should you decide to use the member tool to explore your own health needs and issues. Both your profile and your member profile are easily accessed through your dashboard.

You do not. You can leave your member profile dormant unless you feel like using it.

Yes. Whenever you interact with other members, they will see an indication that you’re a health professional. If you choose to link your professional profile to your personal member name, a link will be visible to the person you’re interacting with that will allow them to access your professional profile. You can disable this under My Preferences if you prefer to keep your personal and professional profiles separate.

Remember that when you’re having a conversation with another member, you are participating on equal terms as community members, not as a medical practitioner and patient. If you give any advice to another member within these confines, you hold responsibility for the outcome. This is to ensure that you can remain anonymous if you wish, and participate in conversations without disclosing any personal information.

Direct them towards your professional profile and let them know if you are accepting new patients and ask them to contact you off of Kinnected. Your professional identity and personal Kinnected profile will not be linked unless you choose to share that information with another member.

Based on the three discussion topics that you list on your profile, other health professionals can be matched intuitively, or intentionally with you from anywhere in the world. We encourage you to introduce yourself, talk about your day, and find out what you have in common.

Think of this map as a referral system. You should suggest health professionals that you know personally and share a similar health outlook with. If a member is matched with you, but not in your area, they’ll look down at your trusted practitioner map to see if there’s anyone near them that you’d recommend.

You can delete your professional profile at any time, but your membership will not be refunded. Any dues paid to date will benefit the Kinnected community, in helping to develop new self-health tools and functionality.

Pricing and Group Discounts

No. Each profile is specifically designed to highlight a single person, rather than a practice. But if your entire practice, clinic, or company is interested in signing up together, we have packages that offer group rates and more personalized options to highlight your company.

You can contact

Contact your hospital or PPC and have them get in touch with our Practitioner Director: Stephanie Hillman:

We provide a sliding scale fee structure based on income to level the playing field, and allow greater access to the global health care community. What is your practice’s net annual income?

Annual Income Annual Membership
below $15K $100
between $15-30K $200
between $30-50K $300
between $50-80K $500
between $80-110K $700
above $110K $1,000

For group discounts of two or more practitioners, please contact

Kinnected as an Employee Wellness Program

Your organization can be at the forefront of reducing isolation by inviting your employees and colleagues to become part of Kinnected’s healthy, inclusive community. Your colleagues and peers can match on common topics with other health professionals from around the world to inform their clinical practice, share stories, and reinforce their purpose of caring for others.

Kinnected can offer your colleagues and employees a global gathering place to share their individuality via a meaningful narrative. Kinnected helps professionals attract people/patients who are engaged in their own self-health. And by actively becoming part of a healthy community that’s focused on caring and empathy, health professionals can reconnect to their purpose and their path.

Write us any time at