Kristann Heinz

Tell us about your occupation.
My interest in medicine began at the early age of six when my father, an Army Surgeon, took me on his hospital rounds. This commitment and service to others took shape in high school where I worked as a nursing assistant in the Alzheimer's Unit of a nursing home. I then pursued and completed an undergraduate degree in Nutrition at Simmons College, as well as a community based dietetic internship. Working as a Registered Dietician, I ran community based Maternal and Child Health Nutrition Programs in a number of venues from WIC Programs, HealthCare for the Homeless Programs, and Neighborhood Health Centers. I subsequently received two Maternal and Child Health Fellowship Awards to study Adolescent Nutrition, as well as Children with Developmental Disabilities.
Through my experiential recognition of the value nutrition played in health and wellness, I decided to pursue a degree in medicine, earning it at the University of Pennsylvania, followed by a Family Medicine Residency at Lehigh Valley Health Network. During residency, I began to study other healing modalities such as acupuncture, homeopathy, and herbal medicine. I currently have a private practice where I practice nutrition, integrative family medicine, functional medicine and offer cooking workshops!
Why did you choose to go into your particular field of medicine/healthcare?
I chose to go into family medicine because I love treating FAMILIES. I love teaching and empowering families to grow their medical toolbox for health and wellness. This foundation starts with nutrition and healthy family meals. We then build upon that and discuss stress management, movement, sleep and hydration as integral parts of health. This is the core of health, healing and longevity.
Where were you born?
Where have you been?
I have traveled throughout the United States. I have lived in Texas, Boston, Pennsylvania and Thailand. I would like to travel more.
Medical style you grew up with?
My Dad was an army surgeon so I grew up in and around hospitals. My mother was more on the mystic side, so I also grew up around crystals, pyramids, and chakra colors. I don't remember ever going to the doctor as a child!
Your views on health in your own home?
We use all aspects of integrated care at home from herbs and homeopathy to Western medicine when needed. We integrate all modalities but the most profound key to my wellness is life balance and laughter.
The book that changed your life?
The Hot Zone: The Terrifying True Story of the Origins of the Ebola Virus by Richard Presto
What is the most difficult aspect of your work for you to accept?
Everyone is on their own health journey. It is hard to see someone suffering who may not be ready to make any health changes. And in those moments perhaps the healing is in bearing witness to the person and listening to a story. In Western medicine we have a diagnosis and a cure. In the world we just have what is and sometimes that is hard as a doctor to accept.
What are you most proud of/grateful for about your work?
I am grateful to partner with my patients and to be a part of their health care team.
What is your go-to home-remedy for a cold?
Homeopathy GUNA flu Monolaurin by Inspired Nutrition Vit D3 Cozy time
What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
You can't dry off in the shower ...meaning you can't make changes if you are continuing the same behavior or choices.
Favorite place to be?
OUTSIDE: in the woods, on a mountain or at a the beach
Is there a piece of music, composer or artist that gives you strength and/or healing?
Frida Kahlo
What is your greatest strength as a provider?
I have gone through my own health journey with myself and family. Having walked the path to wellness, allows me to fully understand what I am asking of someone else. For instance, when I ask someone to complete an elimination diet and omit inflammatory foods, I know exactly how it feels. I know how hard it can be, how to prepare and how to meet the difficulty of the task. I know this, because I go on elimination diets twice a year.
Car, bike, or...?
Car, bike and roller skate (this would be my #1 if it were safe!)
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Kristann Heinz
Medical Doctor, Registered Dietician
Red Hill Medical + Medical
Tinicum Township PAUS
Accepting New Patients
Insurance Accepted
Government-provided insurance Commercial/private insurance Self-pay
“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
— Shel SilversteinKristann’s Top 3 Topics of interest
Gut Health and Diet
Anti-Aging Life Hacks