Desiree Merulli

Health Professional profile picture


​Tell us about your occupation.

I specialize in pain & stress management, cosmetic facial & body rejuvenation. My tools are acupuncture, mediation, yoga, and functional nutrition. I am constantly adding to my services as I evolve.

Why did you choose to go into your particular field of medicine/healthcare?

I wanted to help people in a creative and nonconventional way.

Where were you born?


Where have you been?

Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand, Mexico & Canada.

Medical style you grew up with?

Whole natural foods and enjoying the outdoors. We rarely went to the doctor.

Your views on health in your own home?

Keep everything uncluttered and clean. Energy and thoughts flow more freely. Self care and sleep are paramount.

The book that changed your life?

Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza.

What is the most difficult aspect of your work for you to accept?

Nothing really.

What are you most proud of/grateful for about your work?

The opportunity to learn everyday and the connections I have with my people.

What is your go-to home-remedy for a cold?

Oregano oil, bone broth, sweating (hot tea, hot bath) and sleep.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Never give up.

Car, bike, or...?

Car, bike, walk, run, yoga :)

Desiree’s Trusted Colleagues

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Health Professional profile picture

Desiree Merulli

Acupuncturist Eastern Medicine & Yoga Instructor

Merulli Acupuncture & Wellness

Seattle WA
Joined 4 years ago

Accepting New Patients

Insurance Accepted

Government-provided insurance
Commercial/private insurance

“Breathe it all it all out”
— Origin unknown


Merulli Acupuncture & Wellness

509 Olive Way Seattle WA US 98191
Desiree’s Top 3 Topics of interest

Quantum physics

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