Catherine Van Son

Health Professional profile picture


​Tell us about your occupation.

Nursing professor who has more than 40 years working with older adults. I now teach and do research.

Why did you choose to go into your particular field of medicine/healthcare?

My mom was a nurse and I always found health issues interesting and wanted to help older adults.

Where were you born?

South Ruislip, London, United Kingdom

Where have you been?

I have lived in several states in the US, lived my first 7 years in the UK. Have traveled and worked in many countries, such as Romania, Israel, Russia and Netherlands.

Medical style you grew up with?


Your views on health in your own home?

To use methods based on research evidence, open to alternative practices.

What is the most difficult aspect of your work for you to accept?

Not enough hours in the day to reach all of my goals.

What are you most proud of/grateful for about your work?

First person in my family to have a college education.

What is your go-to home-remedy for a cold?

Rest and decongestant at night.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

You do not need to know everything to help others, you just need to know how to find the answer.

Is there a piece of music, composer or artist that gives you strength and/or healing?

Renaissance music

What is your greatest strength as a provider?

I listen and I am very creative in problem solving.

Catherine’s Trusted Colleagues

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Health Professional profile picture

Catherine Van Son

Nursing Professor

Washington State University

United States of America
Joined 3 years ago

Insurance Accepted

Not Applicable

“Be strong and courageous.”
— Bible



Seattle Washington United States of America 98101 2064656954
Catherine’s Top 3 Topics of interest

older adults; dementia; ageism

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